Wednesday, January 25, 2012


just a quick post about the new CRAZE....pinterest.

i have found myself thinking, "what did we ever do without pinterest??" it has truly revolutionized the idea inspiration on so many different levels.

for those that do not use pinterest, please stop reading and send me an email or comment on this blog so i can invite you, it will change your life! pinterest is quite simply a place to organize and share ideas, recipes, clothing, DIY projects, ect. you can create different boards for any topic imaginable and organize your ideas on the different boards.  each "pin" brings you back to wherever the original "pinner" found the idea on the WWW.  sometimes it is just back to an image on google images, but most of the time it takes you back to the how to, step by step or place you can purchase whatever the "pin" is of. *genius* 

the easiest way to do pinterest is to just "re-pin" things that others have.  if you hover over the image, an option will appear to "re-pin", just click that and select which board you would like to add it to and viola, it is THAT easy! if you choose to "pin" things that you see on the WWW, you can just copy the link, go to pinterest and simply select the "add +" button in the top right, insert the link and select which board you would like to pin to.  

while it is fun to just "pin" cool pictures all day, it has become an extremely valuable tool for those with a specific purpose.  brides to be have been able to basically plan weddings through pinterest (bye bye bulky three-ring binders) by pinning ideas that interest them.  some create boards for each room of their house and pin all ideas that have to do with a specific room in the respective folder.  almost everyone has a "food" board for all(tons) of delish recipes that are floating around out there.  DIY'ers can pin ideas for their next rainy day project.  also, boards can have multiple contributors so collaborating on something is easy and everyone's inspiration is in one place!  

when you sign up (if you link your account to facebook) you can follow everyone on your facebook that also has pinterest....LOVE this because you can see what everyone else is interested in! i have learned so much about friends based on what they "pin" on pinterest.

if pinterest equaled real life....i could cook a different recipe everyday for a year and not repeat, have a meticulously decorated shabby chic house, an elegant and rustic barn wedding, perfectly dressed children and enough DIY projects to keep me entertained for the rest of my life......IF ONLY! :)

the ture beauty of pinterest is "pin" it now and use/do it later! its not going anywhere and by golly when i do get married, i will be referring to my "dreams" board :) 

just a few quick "pins"

let me know your thoughts on pinterest! i have found myself spending more time on pinterest than facebook lately (probably not a bad thing!) 

**dont forget to "follow" the blog up in the right hand corner of this page, you can be updated automatically when new blogs are posted!** THANKS!


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