Friday, September 28, 2012

how i celebrated my "golden" 28th birthday

i was inspired a couple weeks ago by another blog friend to spend my birthday week doing random acts of kindness for others. i thought it sounded like a FABULOUS idea!

i pre made a list of things that i knew i wanted to complete and left a couple open for any spur of the moment things i may have found to do.

remember, not all random acts involve monetary gifts, it is plain and simple, the ACT of KINDNESS :)

here are my 28 acts:

1. i donated 2 of my old cell phones to a battered women's shelter

2. put all the change i had in my car / purse in the charity container mcdonalds

3. wrote an encouraging note to a friend who has been through her FAIR share of hardships, but yet still continues to stay so positive. #inspirational

4. i went to red robin to get my "free birthday food item" and left the bartender a $10 tip on my free salad.

5. took a bag of clothes to goodwill

6. left a Biggby gift card and note for my mailman/mailwoman

7. left 20 pennies on "sandy" the horse at Meijer

8. paid for my sister and brother in-laws dinner out

9. took special treats to the kids at my sisters preschool

10. baked cookies for a family in the neighborhood that has amazingly nice and respectful kids

11. left a bag of microwavable popcorn on a local Redbox kiosk

12. dropped a whole bag of change into the sandbox at a local preschool for the kids to find

13. sent a thank-you note / gift card to a wonderful friend who ALWAYS has a listening ear

14. let the lady with kids checkout before me at Kroger

15. took 3 potted daisies and notes to the local nursing home and requested they went to someone who was either sick or didn't have very many visitors

16. let someone who raced up to the end of their ending lane, merge in

17. i left a 12 pack of coke on my neighbors doorstep because its his favorite
apparently this one wasnt so anonymous because when i came home later, this was taped to my door :) 

18. sent a plate full of cookies to my boyfriends co-workers

19. left a small store credit card on the mirror in one of the dressing rooms

20. baked cookies and took them to a new family in the neighborhood 
(this one was the most touching... this adorable little girl answered the door and her face lit up with excitement to see the cookies, then mom came to the door, with a smile on her face, almost crying. she explained that they just moved here, she is going through a divorce, the kids are struggling to fit in to the new school and yesterday she was almost at the end of her rope)

21. i took $1.75 of quarters and left them on the ledge at the car wash for the next person

22. took a $5 bill into my gym and told the worker to give the next 5 people to come in a free water

23. went to the dollar store and strategically placed three $1 bills in the toy section

24. made a conscious effort to hold the door for as many people as i could all week.  i noticed quite a few people that never acknowledged it and some that appreciated the gesture. 
(there was one instance that a boy didn't thank me and his mom who was a few steps behind thanked me. she then told the son that saying thank you when people do that for you is customary.  maybe i was part of him learning and next time he will!)

25. i took these coloring books, crayons and board books to the pediatric emergency room and the labor and delivery waiting room at sparrow

26. i had a coupon for a free herbal essence shampoo or conditioner that i left in the aisle at meijer and i had a $2 off your next purchase that i left at the u-scan checkout

27. i paid for the order behind me at mcdonalds

28. brought the neighbors trash cans in from the street

i truly had the best time doing this for my birthday.  it was great to spend the week doing things for other people! i will definitely be making this more of a daily/weekly thing than once a year! i encourage all of you to do the same!




  1. I loved reading this! I may try something similar in two weeks for my 28th birthday!

  2. Hey, Good job dear.. U inspired me.. n gave a great idea for celebrating mu 28'th B'day.. ;)
